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28 Oct A gift with natural amber for each zodiac sign
0 176
Amber is a stone that since ancient times has been considered a talisman that brings health, happiness and harmony. You must have heard a lot about its magical properties. Amber is used as a powerful amulet.Amber is a source of creative and creative forces. The stone helps its owner to reveal his ma..
28 Oct vibor podarka
0 139
 Amber - a Treasure Born from TreesFor centuries, humanity has discovered more and more healing properties of this unique stone. Modern research confirms the effectiveness of many ancient treatment methods using amber. The main active component of the sunstone is succinic acid, which is present in s..
06 Aug встреча женского делового клуба LABCLAB Woman
01 Jul Magical properties of amber products
0 3122
 Amber - a Treasure Born from TreesFor centuries, humanity has discovered more and more healing properties of this unique stone. Modern research confirms the effectiveness of many ancient treatment methods using amber. The main active component of the sunstone is succinic acid, which is present in s..
24 Jun Medicinal properties of amber products
0 495
 Amber - a Treasure Born from TreesFor centuries, humanity has discovered more and more healing properties of this unique stone. Modern research confirms the effectiveness of many ancient treatment methods using amber. The main active component of the sunstone is succinic acid, which is present in s..
17 Jun What are Inclusions?
0 1216
Organic InclusionsAmber is fossilized resin from ancient coniferous trees that has undergone various natural processes to become the solid substance we know, glowing with a warm light. During its formation, the resin would capture insects, plants, and even small animals, preserving them almost uncha..
17 Jun How to Care for Amber?
0 447
Natural amber jewelry is not just an accessory that makes your appearance brighter and more elegant, but also a genuine talisman that generously gives you its warmth, charges you with positive energy, and brings good mood. Amber jewelry, like any other special item, needs careful handling.You can st..
17 Jun Интеллектуальная мода: диалог искусства и дизайна в современном мире
0 166
Natural amber jewelry is not just an accessory that makes your appearance brighter and more elegant, but also a genuine talisman that generously gives you its warmth, charges you with positive energy, and brings good mood. Amber jewelry, like any other special item, needs careful handling.You can st..
17 Jun Магия натурального камня
0 179
Natural amber jewelry is not just an accessory that makes your appearance brighter and more elegant, but also a genuine talisman that generously gives you its warmth, charges you with positive energy, and brings good mood. Amber jewelry, like any other special item, needs careful handling.You can st..
22 Nov how much does amber cost
04 Nov obraz-29
04 Nov obraz-28
Showing 1 to 12 of 60 (5 Pages)
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